Windows Phone 8 SDK + VirtualBox = Problem

Just installed the Windows Phone 8 SDK and got disappointed when running the sample app on the phone emulator failed with the following cryptic message:

The Windows Phone Emulator wasn’t able to create the virtual machine. Something happened while creating a switch: Xde couldn’t find an IPv4 address for the host machine.

Some people suggested that the problem might be related to the VirtualBox being installed on the machine (I had it). Uninstalling VirtualBox helped, although it is a bit annoying, as I need VirtualBox to access my work VPN.

Async Targeting Pack for Visual Studio 2012

The Async Targeting Pack for Visual Studio 2012 (distributed as a NuGet package) enables .NET Framework 4.0 and Silverlight 5 projects to use the async language feature in C# 5 and Visual Basic 11. Of course, it has some limitations, and behavior is not always the same as in .NET 4.5, but it seems to be a nice way to get the async feature into older projects.

Managed/Native Debugging in C#/C++

I had a problem debugging my solution consisting of C#, C++/CLI, and native C++ projects. I was not able to get breakpoints working in the native C++ parts – after running the solution with breakpoints set, they were turning gray with warning sign, and their tooltip stated that “The breakpoint will not currently be hit. No symbols have been loaded for this document.” despite all debug properties were set right on those projects and all debugging symbols existed. After fighting it for a few hours and almost giving up, I started to think that the problem might not be with the native C++ projects, but rather somewhere else, e.g. in the StartUp project, which is C#. Checked that project’s properties, and guess what! Debug > Enable unmanged code debugging option was off!!! Switched it on, and voila – breakpoints work fine in native C++ DLL now!!! :)

Today’s Sites/Blogs

  • Ask the Performance Team (Thoughts from the EPS Windows Server Performance Team) – in their own words “… the Performance team covers a broad range of seemingly unrelated areas such as Core OS Performance, Printing, WMI and Terminal Services. Simply put – we’re a bit of a “catch-all” team. […] Because we cover such a wide spectrum of technology, we see many different types of issues – some more frequently than others. So we thought we should share with the broader technical community. We’ll be sharing troubleshooting tips and technical information on areas of our specialty that we cover.”
  • 45+ Excellent Code Snippet Resources and Repositories – it is what it says it is.

.NET Events: Multithreading Issues

Threadsafe Events article at CodeProject explains problems one might encounter with .NET events in a multithreaded environment (not necessarily stating the absolute truth but still). Unfortunately, no-one has figured out the perfect solution, and we will have to choose “the best from all bad solutions” for some time still.

Asynchronous Callback Contexts article by the same author shows possible solution for event cancellation, particularly during object disposal: end-users do not expect components to raise events after they have been disposed or after they have unsubscribed from these events. The author refers to his Nito Asynchronous Library as a way to solve this issue.

Unattended .NET Installation

We needed to do unattended .NET 3.5 SP1 installation for our project, and at the same time we wanted to reduce the hard disk image size, so, after some Internet “crawling”, we found Silent .NET Maker synthesized[a] script [that] builds custom .NET unattended, switchless, multimode installers/nLite addons, supporting all latest .NET framework versions, all its hotfixes and langpacks for win 2K/XP/2K3 x86 up to date. The thing really works, and we managed to get the size of full .NET 3.5 SP1 installer with all hotfixes down to something like 43MB (packed with 7-Zip) for 32-bit Windows XP. Not bad reduction! Aaron Stebner has also something to say about this topic.

Font Burner

Font Burner makes it possible for you to use new fonts on your website, even if the end user does not have your chosen font(s) on his computer. There is nothing to install, neither on your computer nor on the end user’s, and the thing is free. The archive of offered fonts is really big (more than 1000 fonts). Really cool!

The only caveat is that, as it is using sIFR (Scalable Inman Flash Replacement, see more info) to change the fonts, it is likely rather impractical to use it for anything bigger than headings. Basically it hides the text and puts a Flash file in its place, and that Flash file is able to render the chosen font.

Windows Media Player: WMP Mini FAQ

While searching for a solution to DRM-related troubles with video on demand service (gosh! no wonder that VoD purchasing rate is abysmal over here!) I have bumped into a Windows Media Player: WMP mini FAQ – an absolutely great collection of remedies to all kinds of Windows Media Player problems. Did not manage to solve my (in fact, film2home’s) problem though… :)

Data Access Optimization in SQL Server

The Top 10 steps to optimize data access in SQL Server article series at CodeProject, despite some mistakes and arguable things, is not that bad starter’s guide for the SQL Server optimization question:

“Bit Twiddling”

Needed to do some “weird” things recently that involved bit operations, e.g. to create masks with certain number of bits set. During my “research” I found few interesting places:

WPF Video Playback Problems

There is one severe problem with video playback in WPF/Silverlight that, for some reasons unknown to me, is getting very little (almost none) attention from both the community and Microsoft. Basically, it boils down to WPF being absolutely unable to properly play video content. Let me explain by using the following diagram:

WPF Video Playback Poblems

First line shows video frames as they are in the video content. Second line depicts variable frame rate of the WPF renderer – as you know, WPF is changing the frame rate dynamically, and CPU load will affect frame rate too. There are two possible outcomes:

  1. WPF is using vsync (version 1), i.e. it synchronizing rendering to the screen with the screen refresh frequency. This is what you will get on Vista, and sometimes on XP (normally XP video drivers are not using vsync). The resulting video shown on the screen will have variable duration of frames, and the viewer will be present with artifacts like skipped video frames, “jerky” playback, where motion is not “smooth”/uniform, etc.
  2. WPF is not using vsync (version 2). It is the case normally seen on XP. The resulting video is even worse, as there is the tearing effect present now – upper and lower parts of the displayed video frame are not matching. This problem is not present on some XP machines, e.g. I do not see it on my home PC, while it is present on 100% of other machines.

This is a bit oversimplified picture, but good enough for our purpose. In reality, the resulting on-screen picture will depend also on the screen refresh frequency, but artifacts will be more or less the same. In both cases the video playback it totally unacceptable though.

The issue is very serious, and, unfortunately, it is unsolvable in terms of today’s WPF. I think it will be not solved in the near future either, as solving it would require WPF to adopt constant-frame rate rendering paradigm, and synchronizing it with the display refresh rate. This is not likely to happen, as it is a drastic change to the fundamentals of WPF, and, at the same time, it will waste resources in non-video related applications (now WPF can decide what frame rate it will use, and can dynamically change it, e.g. dropping frame rate for “still” scenes and increasing it when animations start).

In our software we had to go through a lot of extra pain to “overcome” this issue – we render video using DirectShow by incorporating Win32 host into our WPF application and implement all kinds of “tricks” to allow WPF content to get into the video window airspace (to display OSD’s, menus, etc.) by using e.g. clipping regions (say Goodbye! to transparency though). There are a few third party projects out there (WPF MediaKit by Jeremiah Morrill is an excellent example) that allow one to mix DirectShow and WPF, but none of them will fix the above mentioned issues, as the resulting picture is rendered by WPF renderer and all the artifacts will be there still.

Probably, for majority of people this is not really an issue (at least until you point them to it; after that they can see it on their own and they become very annoyed), especially if you are playing some kind of home-made content from the YouTube (although YouTube has HD content nowadays too), but it is completely unacceptable for people at least somehow concerned about the video playback quality. DVD/DivX player costing $30 will not have these problems, so it is difficult to explain why $1000 machine (33 times more expensive!!!) cannot produce even remotely as good video playback on $2000 HD TV set.

In addition to these video playback problems, WPF on XP suffers from the tearing issue not only during video playback, but also during “normal” WPF animations. And this has even more profound effect, as it makes it impossible to implement animated WPF applications on XP.

Microsoft’s reaction to the tearing issue on XP is problematic. We have tried to approach them via all possible channels – Microsoft Connect program, Microsoft Metro program, newsgroups, personal contacts, everything. They either deny the issue, or say that it is unsolvable for XP in general case, so they are not going to solve it (but they could easily solve it for something like 95% of all XP installations by solving it at least for ATI and Nvidia cards), or they say that they will not solve it for XP anymore, as XP is not available so nobody cares. And this last reaction is problematic again, as the issue is present not only on Windows XP Home/Pro, but on Windows XP Embedded and Windows Embedded Standard as well. These OS’s will be around for some time still, and Windows 7 Embedded will not come before 2010 and, being Vista-based, will be a resource hog – something not necessarily good for embedded system.

API Hooking

Detours is a Microsoft library for instrumenting arbitrary Win32 functions (by Microsoft Research), unfortunately not free. There is a paper Detours: Binary Interception of Win32 Functions by Microsoft guys. In addition, there is API Hooking with MS Detours article on CodeProject.

Then, there is EasyHook“The reinvention of Windows API Hooking” as they say themselves – which allows to hook APIs from managed code and write managed detours. This one is free, and from what is there it looks even more interesting than Microsoft’s Detour. And there is also a related CodeProject article.

Problem with C++/CLI + ATL Combo

Exactly… Wanted to use ATL (for CComPtr class and some other things) in my C++/CLI project (VS2008 with or without SP1) and… got nice assert on _CrtIsValidHeapPointer(pUserData) in dbgheap.c. Cool! Exactly that was missing to make my day better!

Some investigation, and I had answer to my problem. Actually two answers. Both pretty simple:

  1. As I had /NOENTRY specified in the No Entry Point item in the Linker/Advanced section of the project settings, I could add __DllMainCRTStartup@12 to the Force Symbol References item in the Linker/Input section of the project settings
  2. Alternatively, I could set No Entry Point item in the Linker/Advanced section of the project settings to No (as I said, I had /NOENTRY there)

I have tried both solutions, and both worked; I settled on the latter as more intuitive and clean. Always live, always learn…

Microsoft RTC Client SDK 1.3 Under Vista

We use Microsoft RTC Client SDK 1.3 in our application to provide SIP telephony. Vista is not our priority, but, as all laptops and PCs nowadays come preloaded with Vista rather than XP, some time ago we decided to try our software on Vista. We’ve got everything working, except the phone – it was complaining about the RTCClient COM component. I wasted about half a day trying to “please” Vista to get RTC client running on it – checked forums, did all mumbo-jumbo things people claimed helped them – all in vain. In the end we simply abandoned the idea…

Today I decided to try it once more. And, guess what! Got it working in 10 minutes! :) All thanks to the post on MSDN Forum and then the corresponding blog post (mirror is here) by Laurent Etiemble.

The thing worked like a charm! Unfortunately, I cannot confirm if registering DLLs is a needed step – I do not have Vista near me, so I have made a script that my colleague at remote location tried on his Vista laptop and, to save time and reduce the “human-error” possibility/hassle, I included the registration part (regsvr32 for all DLLs) just in case.

Monitoring Last Error Code in Visual Studio

Found this trick in the Jeffrey Richter’s Windows via C/C++ book (in Chapter 1). Visual Studio debugger has a very useful feature – it can monitor the thread’s last error code. You can display this error code together with its text description in the Watch window by typing $err,hr. In case some API call fails, the Watch window will show the error code (the one that would be returned by the GetLastError function). Thanks to the ,hr qualifier, the Watch window shows the error description as well (the string mentioned in the WinError.h header file for the occured error code).